Apache 软件基金会宣布,它的三名董事 Jim Jagielski、Chairman Phil Steitz 和执行副董事长 Ross Gardler 上个月递交了辞呈,董事会已经接受了他们的辞职请求。

三人都是 Apache 软件基金会的资深成员,Jim Jagielski 是联合创始人,曾任主席一职,Phil Steitz 先后担任过 Apache Commons 的副董事长和 Apache 软件基金会主席。


Apache 软件基金会宣布英文全文:

Statement by The Apache Software Foundation Board of Directors

It is with a mix of sadness and appreciation that the ASF Board accepted the resignations of Board Member Jim Jagielski, Chairman Phil Steitz, and Executive Vice President Ross Gardler last month.

As an ASF co-founder, Jim has held every officer position since the Foundation’s incorporation, with the exception of a one-year break in 2018. He has played a substantial role in the development and success of the organization and is a recognized advocate of Open Source at the developer and corporate levels.

An ASF Member since 2005, Phil was instrumental in the adoption, growth, and ubiquity of Apache Java projects across many industries, most visibly financial services. He served as Vice President Apache Commons for four years, and as ASF Chairman August 2017 - May 2019.

Ross has been championing The Apache Way to governments, corporations, and educational institutions for nearly two decades. Since becoming an ASF Member in 2005, he served as Vice President of Community Development (2009-2012), ASF Director and President (2015-2016), and ASF Executive Vice President October 2016 - May 2019.

We laud their contributions to many of the ASF's achievements over the past two decades [1]. Their motivation, vision, and passion is truly inspiring. Whilst we will greatly miss their day-to-day leadership at the executive level, we are heartened that the Foundation will continue to benefit through their participation as ASF Members.

We look forward to the next chapter of the ASF as we continue to support the Foundation and hundreds of Apache projects and their communities who advance our mission of providing software for the public good at 100% no cost.

We are committed to ensuring the Foundation remains effective and stable. It's a unique opportunity in the ASF's history to build upon the accomplishments of past Boards, apply new methodologies, and work through diverse perspectives with the aim of helping the ASF continue its successful trajectory.

We appreciate your trust and are happy to discuss our progress at our upcoming ApacheCons in Las Vegas and Berlin [2].



[1] https://s.apache.org/ASF20thAnniversary

[2] https://www.apachecon.com/

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